We just got back in town after doing a marathon drive down to St. Petersburg, FL on Friday for a friend's wedding on Saturday. We then drove back up yesterday, spent the night in bumfuck, NC after almost being washed off of the road due to some east coast monsoon action (it truly was terrifying, and I'm glad we made it back safely), and finished the drive today. Upon our return, my scratchy throat from Sunday chose to manifest itself in the form of nonstop sneezing and my feeling like my sinuses want to implode. So, pretty much, this is going to be a very distracted post about ThEndUsr's live podcast. Here we go! Click through to read the excitement.
-I'm also watching "Dancing with the Stars" because it's by far the most eye-catching (in a sometimes terrifying way) thing to watch without the sound on. Don't judge.
-Chris is talking to the gentlemen about the bomb deal we got on a fancy-pants hotel for our weekend in FL. It really was spectacular. Goooooooooooooo Priceline!!
-This cold. Ugh.
-I'm also going to attempt to "watch" the Packers v. Bears on some game-tracker thing. My ability to jump between tabs while high on cold medicine will be tested tonight.
-Lots of pre-show chatter. I'm totally not paying attention.
-And they're off! I feel like this podcast, at least from my end, is going to reflect a lot of what we listened to/talked about on the car ride(s), which makes me even less likely to pay attention. I think. Who knows.
-Talking about the size of tablets. Hee.
-If finger guns are all that dancing requires, consider me the best dancer in the universe.
-There's a new tablet by Blackberry, and Hulu will be streaming to Roku. I have a middling-to-none interest in both.
-There's a guy on the Packers with the last name "Zombo." WIN.
-Bears miss their FG attempt!! Woooooooo!!!!!
-I wonder if anyone has ever totally bitten it on this "Dancing" show; I've never watched it before. Now THAT would be entertaining.
-I think one of the other guys is trashing the FB news feed. Whoever it is can go to hell!! (Just kidding. Kind of.)
-I really wish we had ESPN right now.
-Aaaaaaand, GB touchdown. Yes.
-Silence in Nerd Corner. Guessing that one of the guys has a story and is running with it.
-Oh god: he mentioned "Battlestar Galactica." Even if I didn't want to, I feel like my brain would subconsciously tune out the rest of what I hear from over there, heh.
-If someone could invent, like, a super-antihistamine that actually worked, that person would be a BILLIONAIRE.
-According to Chris, "$200 is street price." For what, I'm not asking.
-(He was probably talking about a phone, but it sounded *much* more interesting before I heard any details.)
-Tsavo the cat is wondering what Chris is up to and has wandered over to Chris's chair, audibly voicing his curiosity. Ah, cats.
-Whoops, forgot to follow along with the podcast while MY NOSE WAS FALLING OFF OF MY FACE. It's been a lovely afternoon/evening.
-It's time for them to come up with titles. This coincides with time for both cats to wander out here, inevitably leading to hissing and/or the swiping of paws. Good times!
-They've been talking about ... something ... for the last 15 minutes, and frankly, this cold is winning. I think I've got to wrap this "exciting" "live blog" up for now and go pass out with a nice big glass of NyQuil.
And, done!
Whenever I was talking on the phone, Tsavo loved to start meowing incessantly. Glad he's keeping the tradition alive.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you have against Battlestar Galactica? It's awesome!
I also enjoyed Zombo...I feel like he should have Zombie incorporated into his name somehow...
I'm just so glad that I/you guys didn't trek out to a bar to watch that game (not like I could have, anyway). But Zombo. That name. It's a winner.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think I have "fear of the unknown" syndrome re: Battlestar Galactica. We'll see; I'm sure I'll watch it at some point!